
Radical Republican Joel Rudman is CORRUPT

RADICAL Republican Joel Rudman has generated zero dollars for our county, and almost every bill he has brought to the table has been dead on arrival. The truth is that Rudman is a thin-skinned politician, in bed with corrupt corporations and his millionaire and billionaire friends. My opponent has been bought by a machine that has gutted homeowner protections and has rigged the system against you.

Unlike my extremist MAGA opponent Rudman, who takes money from big banks, insurance companies, and developers, I will fight for everyday Floridians!

Lower Homeowner's Insurance

Republicans have held the legislature for almost 30 years and have done nothing to address Florida's homeowner's insurance crisis. Rates are out of control, over 3.5X above the national average! The insurance industry has donated over $10 million to DeSantis & Florida’s Republican Party, including to my opponent, Radical Rudman. We're paying for their greed!

People are forced to sell their homes where they want to live or retire. We need Representatives who will fight for families and working people and LOWER property insurance and utility bills.

Lower Utility Rates

We in the panhandle have been suffering a series of increasing utility rates. It started when FPL took over gulf power. This, of course, was rubber stamped by Republicans, who approved a steady increase in rates ever since, with a rise of 35% this year alone. To address this problem hurting Floridians on a daily basis, we must elect Democrats like myself, not REPUBLICANS that are SPONSORED by utility companies like FPL!

Legalize Cannabis

I am a libertarian. The government should get off our backs and only step in when absolutely necessary to make life more affordable or protect its citizens. It is absurd that the legalization of recreational cannabis has not. happened yet in Florida. We should be taxing tourist spring breakers smoking up our streets. How is it reasonable for an 18 year old to go fight and die in a war, but legally prohibited to have a drink or toke on Florida soil? Let's get real. Vote YES on Amendment 3 to legalize cannabis.

Project 2025

Radical Republicans are trying to ERODE Democracy. Their agenda is complete obliteration of Democratic control: they’re making it harder to vote, harder to peacefully protest, harder to stand up against corporate greed and special interests controlling our government. We are seeing all the markers for FASCISM: Limiting citizen’s power (e.g., limiting citizen’s rights to sue agencies (the same agencies Republicans claim to hate); censoring teachers & educators from teaching history; keeping people in a state of economic insecurity and anxiety; Republicans are actually LIMITING Home Rule ( banned localities from mandating worker heat protections or raising the minimum wage above the state’s). Republicans are shifting public money into private hands (e.g., voucher system, tax breaks for wealthy) and replacing our administrative agencies with PRIVATE FOR PROFIT corporations, monopolies (the TRUE deep state). Extremist Republicans are gutting public infrastructure & social benefits, like education, social security, medicare, FDA, EPA, minimum wage, education (90% of students that qualified for vouchers have NEVER even stepped FOOT in a public school; kids aren’t leaving public schools; MONEY is.)  Project 2025 is a real threat, not a conspiracy!  Radical Right-Wing Republicans are trying to make our country so dysfunctional that we won’t be able to vote them out of office. They are trying to demolish “of the people, by the people, for the people…” & they want a government“of the corporations, by the lobbyists, for the CEOs.” This dystopian future is HAPPENING NOW, unless we STOP THEIR Right Wing Takeover AGENDA- and that’s why I — as a Democrat – am running for office.

If you're sick and tired of extremist Republican elitists telling us what to do, consider chipping in to our campaign. We need your support -- I'm running a grassroots campaign fueled by your donations. Any amount you can contribute goes a LONG way to reaching "sleepy" voters. THANK YOU.