About Keith

I have always loved Florida. My grandfather owned a farm and bred horses in rural Ocala. I want the best for this state and its people. I carry with me the gritty, blue collar Democrat attitude.

Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck now. We are working multiple jobs and struggling to make ends meet. I work in the funeral industry driving a hearse, to pay the bills, but my generation and younger will likely not be able to afford to start families, let alone purchase homes. It's as if we are dead already. This is unacceptable.

I am most proud of my indie art. Not expecting to become rich from it, I enjoy the creative process. I made and performed MUSIC with my brother for years and released my first novel earlier this year titled BLUE DREAM, a Christian sci-fi. We need creativity in Tallahassee.

We don't need rich politicians telling us what to do anymore. The entrenched Republican Elite has failed us. We need real folks in politics who know what it's like to struggle. There is hope. There is always hope. Stand with me, donate, and join the new Democratic movement. Let's Vote Rudman OUT and send the right man to the state house.